Treaty Relationships
Anisha's DanceTurtle Island Voices, grades 1-6, consist of ten titles per grade. The series offers aboriginal children a unique opportunity to see themselves in their learning materials. It is rooted in the concepts of inter-connectedness, respect for life, and the quest for a better future. It offers all children the opportunity to recognize the role and contributions of Aboriginal peoples in the life, culture, and heritage of Canada (Publisher).
Cutting, R. (2011). Turtle Island Voices: Anisha's dance. Oakville, ON: Rubicon Publishing Inc.
Around the WorldTurtle Island Voices, grades 1-6, consist of ten titles per grade. The series offers aboriginal children a unique opportunity to see themselves in their learning materials. It is rooted in the concepts of inter-connectedness, respect for life, and the quest for a better future. It offers all children the opportunity to recognize the role and contributions of Aboriginal peoples in the life, culture, and heritage of Canada (Publisher).
Cutting, R. (2011). Turtle Island Voices: Around the world. Oakville, ON: Rubicon Publishing Inc.
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: Cedar tea. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Children Around the WorldNo matter where they live, children are always curious about the world. But nothing proves more fascinating to them than other children. Exploring the themes of commonality and diversity, this informational picture book introduces young readers to 12 children from around the world. Speaking in the first person, the children briefly describe such things as the language, food, clothing, schooling and daily life of their region (Publisher).
Montanari, D. (2014). Children around the world. Toronto, ON: Kids Can.
Chuck in the CityChuck loves a good adventure. He proved that in Just a Walk . Now Chuck and his mom are heading to the city to visit his grandmother in her new condo. He knows he shouldn’t wander off, but the lure of the lively city streets proves too much for a curious little boy to resist (Publisher).
Wheeler, J. (2009). Chuck in the city. Penticton, BC: Theytus Books.
The Drum Calls SoftlyBeloved children's author David Bouchard has teamed up with emerging writer Shelly Willier to create a heart-warming tale in his book, The Drum Calls Softly. Discover the beauty of the traditional Round Dance through the lush descriptive verse of Bouchard and Willier that leads you through the cycles and seasons of life, the forming of new friendships and the understanding of values (Publisher).
Bouchard, D., & Willier, S. (2008). The drum calls softly. Toronto, ON: Red Deer Press.
Four Colours, Four HandsCircle of Life Sets 1–3 and Sets 4–6 levelled books are for guided and independent reading. This collection of narrative and nonfiction books offers unique content that engages students, and deepens appreciation and understanding of Indigenous cultures and traditions (Publisher).
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: Four colours, four hands. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Getting Ready for the FeastCircle of Life Sets 1–3 and Sets 4–6 levelled books are for guided and independent reading. This collection of narrative and nonfiction books offers unique content that engages students, and deepens appreciation and understanding of Indigenous cultures and traditions (Publisher).
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: Getting ready for the feast. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Arnosky, J. (2006). Grandfather Buffalo. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Son.
Samatte, Sandra (2010). Grandmother, What Is A Sharing Circle? Winnipeg, MB: Native Reflections.
Grandmother's DreamcatcherKimmy is happy to be staying with Grandmother for a week, but it's hard to see her parents drive away. And their leaving reminds her of the bad dreams she's been having. Grandmother shows Kimmy a dreamcatcher, and with a bent twig, feathers, beads and leather, they begin to make on for Kimmy. As they work, Grandmother tells Kimmy the legend of the dreamcatcher and the power it holds (Publisher).
McCain, B. R. (1999). Grandmother's dreamcatcher. Park Ridge, IL: Albert Whitman.
Stojic, Manya (2002). Hello World! Greetings in 42 Languages Around the globe! New York, NY: Scholastic.
In the Light of Grandmother MoonCircle of Life Sets 1–3 and Sets 4–6 levelled books are for guided and independent reading. This collection of narrative and nonfiction books offers unique content that engages students, and deepens appreciation and understanding of Indigenous cultures and traditions (Publisher).
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: In the light of Grandmother Moon. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Smith, C. L. (2009). Jingle dancer. New York: Morrow Junior Books.
The Medicine WheelCircle of Life Sets 1–3 and Sets 4–6 levelled books are for guided and independent reading. This collection of narrative and nonfiction books offers unique content that engages students, and deepens appreciation and understanding of Indigenous cultures and traditions (Publisher).
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: The medicine wheel. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Bever, J., & Currie, S. (2003). Meet our families. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. From Nelson InfoRead Guided Reading Books.
Moonstick: The Seasons of the SiouxA young boy comes of age under the thirteen moons of the Sioux year. With each notch in his father's moon-counting stick, the boy marvels at the world around him, observing the sometimes subtle, sometimes remarkable changes in the seasons and in his own tribe's way of living (Publisher).
Bunting, E. (2000). Moonstick: The seasons of the Sioux. HarperCollins.
Mwakwa Talks to the LoonKayâs is a young Cree man who is blessed with a Gift that makes him a talented hunter. He knows the ways of the Beings he hunts and can even talk with them in their own languages. But when he becomes proud and takes his abilities for granted, he loses his gift, and the People grow hungry.
With the help of the Elders and the Beings that inhabit the water, Kayâs learns that in order to live a life of success, fulfillment and peace, he must cherish and respect the talents and skills he has been given (Publisher). |
Auger, D. (2007). Mwakwa talks to the loon : A Cree story for children. Vancouver: Heritage House.
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: My drum. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Loewen, I. (1993). My Kokum called today. Winnipeg: Pemmican.
Nokum is My TeacherNokum Is My Teacher is the poetic story of a young aboriginal boy, posing questions to his grandmother, his "Nokum", about the wider world beyond the familiarity of their home and community. Through a series of questions, Nokum guides her grandson towards an understanding of his need to fit into and learn more about this large world beyond the reserve. Nokum offers her grandson a vision of a world he can enter through imagination and reading, while retaining respect for the ways of his people. By the conclusion of the book, the young grandson has learned many new ideas from his grandmother and discovered his own wisdom in dealing with the changes in his life (Publisher).
Bouchard, D., & Sapp, A. (2007). Nokum is my teacher. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
The Sharing Circle: Stories about First Nations Cultures.Matthew loves to play games with his friends and share his toys with them. But most of all he loves to share the special treasures that remind him of his First Nations culture. Perhaps his favourite treasure is the medicine pouch that his grandfather made especially for him. This is where he keeps many of his other treasures, including the sacred herbs his mother gave him. Matthew uses the herbs to remind him to be grateful for everything that nature gives us. Another special gift is the eagle feather from his father. Matthew knows that the eagle is a symbol of the spiritual strength of his culture. But there is one other gift that has a special place in Matthew's heart. It is the dream catcher that Matthew gave to his friend Dustin to help him not have bad dreams. The Sharing Circle is a collection of seven stories about First Nations culture and spiritual practices: The Eagle Feather, The Dream Catcher, The Sacred Herbs, The Talking Circle, The Medicine Wheel, The Drum, and The Medicine Pouch (Publisher).
Muese-Dallien, T. (2003). The sharing circle: Stories about First Nations cultures. Halifax, NS: Nimbus Publishing.
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: The sweat lodge. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Time to CelebrateTurtle Island Voices, grades 1-6, consist of ten titles per grade. The series offers aboriginal children a unique opportunity to see themselves in their learning materials. It is rooted in the concepts of inter-connectedness, respect for life, and the quest for a better future. It offers all children the opportunity to recognize the role and contributions of Aboriginal peoples in the life, culture, and heritage of Canada (Publisher).
Cutting, R. (2011). Turtle Island Voices: Time to celebrate. Oakville, ON: Rubicon Publishing Inc.
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: To the arena. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Why do you Smudge Mishoomis?Circle of Life Sets 1–3 and Sets 4–6 levelled books are for guided and independent reading. This collection of narrative and nonfiction books offers unique content that engages students, and deepens appreciation and understanding of Indigenous cultures and traditions (Publisher).
Indigenous Education Coalition. (2013). Circle of Life Series: Why do you smudge Mishoomis? Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
The Drum Calls Softly
Bouchard, D. (2010, October 15). The drum calls softly [Video file]. Retrieved from
Hello to All the Children of the World
Setyawan, M. (2013, October 1). Hello to all the children of the world [Video file]. Retrieved from
The Jingle Dress Dance - Native American
alan.b. (2008, January 12). The jingle dress dance: Native American [Video file]. Retrieved from
My Heart Fills With Happiness
Gray Smith, Monique. (2017, June 26). My heart fills with happiness.
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