About the Project
Teacher-librarians Constructing Understanding through Inquiry, also called the Inquiry Project, is a strategic partnership between the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA), a special subject council of the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation, and the Ministry of Education. Together, the SSLA and the Ministry of Education have worked to identify and support Saskatchewan educators’ understanding and use of inquiry for teaching and learning. Over the two years of the project, many educators shared their experiences, resources, comments, and questions. This website features resources that have been reviewed, developed, and recommended to support integration of this philosophy in K to grade 12 teaching and learning programs.
The archived webinar provides an overview of the materials and resources accessible through this website along with the background information regarding the Inquiry Project. The 2:40 video provided an invitation to participate in the inquiry. |
Working Group
The project has been guided and developed by a group of dedicated educators who have provided ideas, knowledge, experience, expertise, and many hours of collaborative inquiry.
Judy Nicholson, Project Facilitator, JN Consultative Services
Chris Arnstead, Teacher-Librarian, Regina Public Schools and Special Project Councillor, Saskatchewan School Library Association
Carlene Walter, Instructional Consultant, Saskatoon Public Schools and President, Saskatchewan School Library Association
Joanne Beltramini, Coordinator, Information and Library Services, Regina Catholic Schools
Charlotte Raine, Library Learning Coach, Good Spirit School Division
Cheryl Erlandson, Director of Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit, Saskatchewan Teachers Federation
Corey Hadden, Director, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education
Kevin Kleisinger, Assistant Director, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education
Lynda Oliver, Arts Education Consultant, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education
Brent Toles, Social Sciences Consultant, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education
Judy Nicholson, Project Facilitator, JN Consultative Services
Chris Arnstead, Teacher-Librarian, Regina Public Schools and Special Project Councillor, Saskatchewan School Library Association
Carlene Walter, Instructional Consultant, Saskatoon Public Schools and President, Saskatchewan School Library Association
Joanne Beltramini, Coordinator, Information and Library Services, Regina Catholic Schools
Charlotte Raine, Library Learning Coach, Good Spirit School Division
Cheryl Erlandson, Director of Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit, Saskatchewan Teachers Federation
Corey Hadden, Director, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education
Kevin Kleisinger, Assistant Director, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education
Lynda Oliver, Arts Education Consultant, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education
Brent Toles, Social Sciences Consultant, Student Achievement and Supports Branch, Ministry of Education