Grade 6
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Fact Sheet - Urban Aboriginal Population in Canada
Fact Sheet - Urban Aboriginal population in Canada
The Aboriginal population in Canada is the fastest-growing segment of the Canadian population. In recent decades, the number of Aboriginal people living in Canada's urban centres has grown substantially. The fact sheet below provides details from the 2006 census on the urban Aboriginal population in Canada.
Recognising Rights: Strengthening Off-Reserve First Nations Communities
STC Urban First Nations Services Inc.
STC Urban First Nations Services Inc.
Programs and services strive to work toward improving the quality of life of Aboriginal children, youth and families, through providing prevention and support services for Urban Aboriginal people living in the city of Saskatoon. With the exception of Labour Force Development training funds, all STC Urban programs are status blind and open to all people.
Urban Reserves and Treaty Land Entitlement
Urban Reserves & Treaty Land Entitlement
Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) is a process used by the Federal and Provincial governments to resolve outstanding obligations to First Nations who did not receive all of the Reserve land to which they were entitled under Treaty. TLE has enabled First Nations to purchase land and transfer it to Reserve status.