Grade 1
Treaty Promises and Provisions
Office of the Treaty Commissioner. (2005). Treaties. In Allen Sapp's art: Through the eyes of the Cree and beyond (p. 47).
Saskatoon, SK: Office of the Treaty Commissioner.
Saskatoon, SK: Office of the Treaty Commissioner.
Night and DayTurtle Island Voices, grades 1-6, consist of ten titles per grade. The series offers aboriginal children a unique opportunity to see themselves in their learning materials. It is rooted in the concepts of inter-connectedness, respect for life, and the quest for a better future. It offers all children the opportunity to recognize the role and contributions of Aboriginal peoples in the life, culture, and heritage of Canada (Publisher).
Bouchard, D. (2011). Turtle Island Voices: Night and day. Oakville, ON: Rubicon Publishing Inc.
Office of the Treaty Commissioner. (2009, February 5). The lifestyles of First Nations peoples before and after the arrival of the
newcomers: We are all treaty people [PDF]. Retrieved from
newcomers: We are all treaty people [PDF]. Retrieved from
Web Posts
PowerPoint Activities - Ten Treaty Trivia Games
PowerPoint Games
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
Office of the Treaty Commissioner. (n.d.). Power point games. Retrieved July 11, 2018, from Dropbox website:
SMART Board Activities
SMART Board Activities
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!
Office of the Treaty Commissioner. (n.d.). SMART board activities. Retrieved July 11, 2018, from Dropbox website:
Treaty Map
Treaty Map
Treaty Map
Office of the Treaty Commissioner. (2018). Treaty map. Retrieved March 9, 2018, from Office of the Treaty Commissioner