2019 |
-- Annual Conference "Teach Writing Well" and "Being a Writing Thief" featuring Ruth Culham, was held at the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon, April 11, 2019 and Queensbury Downs in Regina, April 12, 2019.
--Digital badges information transferred to Ed Tech Tools. |
2018 |
-- SSLA Learning Events featuring Angela Stockman, Jennifer LaGarde, and Jennifer Serravallo.
2017 |
-- First Nations, Metis, Inuit, Treaty and Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) K-12 Resources Project is launched. SSLA received a Special Projects Grant from the STF to create and post a digital curation of quality resources to support FNMI content, Treaty Education, and the ideals of the TRC: Calls to Action.
--Annual conference “Voice and Choice: Fostering Student Reading Ownership” featuring Donalyn Miller was held at the Hilton Gardens Inn in Saskatoon, chaired by Regan Williams. |
2016 |
--Annual conference “Reading Power” featuring Adrienne Gear was held at the Hilton Gardens Inn in Saskatoon, chaired by Gaetan Hammond.
2015 |
--Annual conference “Be the Change You Want to Be in Education and the World” featuring Shannon McClintock Miller was held at the Travelodge in Saskatoon, chaired by Gaetan Hammond.
2014 |
--Digital Badges project is launched. SSLA received a Special Projects Grant from the STF to create this self-directed professional development opportunity
--Annual conference “Curators of Knowledge: planning for technology infused learning” featuring Naomi Harm was held at the Travelodge in Saskatoon, chaired by Carla Katerynych |
2013 |
-- Teacher-librarians Constructing Understanding through Inquiry, a joint project with the Ministry of Education was launched on the website.
--Annual conference “Collaboration and Inquiry: perfect partners” featuring Andrea Hernandez was held at the Saskatoon Travelodge, hosted by the Prairie Spirit School Division, chaired by Carla Katerynych |
2012 |
--Mentorship Program to provide support to “new to the role” teacher-librarians is launched.
--Annual conference “Inquiring Minds: Living the Questions” with Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm was hosted by Greater Saskatoon Catholic Division at the Queen’s House of Retreats in Saskatoon, chaired by Renee Cherniawsky |
2011 |
-- An engaging, positive social media presence is created through social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and The Medium blog
-- SSLA received Special Subjects Grant to revise branding -- Annual conference with keynote and workshop presenters Dean Shareski and Darren Kuropatwa was hosted by Saskatoon Public School Division and held at Circle Drive Alliance Church, chaired by Jacqueline Helman |
2010 |
--Constitution was rewritten to align with STF requirements and reflect new priorities
--Annual conference “Blended School Library: integrating your virtual and real programs” with keynote speaker and workshop presenter Judith Comfort was held at the Radisson Hotel in Saskatoon and hosted by the Good Spirit School Division Library Group, chaired by Charlotte Raine |
2008 |
--Annual conference….chaired by Carlene Walter – Saskatoon Club– Carol Koechlin and Sandi Zwaan “Asking good questions”
2007 |
--Annual conference “Hooked in . . . Hooked on. . . Hooked up. . . to School Libraries” was held in conjunction with the TLt-iT Summit, (Campus Saskatchewan and The Educational Technology Consortium Group) in Saskatoon hosted by Prince Albert Catholic teacher-librarians, Prince Albert Grand Council Schools and Saskatchewan Rivers school division, co-chaired by Hélène Préfontaine and Brenda Tenold.
2006 |
--Annual conference “101 Reasons to Celebrate School Libraries” was hosted in Saskatoon by the Saskatoon Public teacher-librarians, chaired by Ruth Garnett, Florence Barton and Lucille Dube.
2005 |
--A poster titled School libraries … at the heart of learning was distributed to all school libraries in the province. Designed by Regina artist and educator Sherry Farrell-Racette, the poster was produced by SSLA using a Special Projects Grant provided by the STF.
--The SSLA’s membership brochure was revised and published on the website. Annual conference “Reading Saskatchewan, Leading Saskatchewan …A Century of Change” was hosted by the Regina Catholic and Qu’Appelle Valley teacher-librarians, co-chaired by Joanne Beltramini and Maureen Erlendson |
2004 |
--Annual conference “Embracing Literacies” was hosted by the Regina Public Schools teacher-librarians, chaired by Barbara McNeil.
2003 |
--Received the Angela Thacker Memorial Award from the ATLC (Association of Teacher-Librarians of Canada) for developing and implementing the Willow Awards
--Attended the first gala for the Saskatchewan Young Readers Choice Awards The Willow Awards on May 23 as a major promoter. --Updated the website using the STF template Annual conference “Libraries: Cornerstones of the Learning Community” was chaired by Janet Merkosky. |
2002 |
–A National School Library survey was conducted by Ione Langlois.
--Membership pamphlet was developed for use at the marketing table. Annual conference “ School Libraries: Building Bridges” was hosted by the Saskatoon Catholic teacher-librarians, chaired by Colette Fischer. |
2001 |
--Colette Fischer, with the executive support, presented information and questions to the both the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina to raising the awareness level of students regarding resource-based learning and the teacher-librarian’s role in schools.
--Along with Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA), Saskatchewan Association of Library Technicians (SALT) and Saskatchewan Library Trustees Association (SLTA), SSLA presented a brief to the Opposition at the Saskatchewan Legislature, Regina, SK on March 2. The presentation outlined the role of the school library in the school curricular program and the role of school library personnel in the teaching and learning process. --Marion Perry was commissioned to organize a steering committee working toward the establishment of an independent non-profit organization that will manage the Saskatchewan Young Reader’s Choice Award for Saskatchewan (SYRCA). A model program was developed as a Grassroots projects by Judy Nicholson. --Conference “Celebrations of Libraries”, was hosted by the Prince Albert Catholic teacher-librarians and board staff. |
2000 |
--The 4th R Monograph, Revised edition was posted to web site
--Association of Teacher-librarians in Canada (ATLC) held their joint annual conference titled “Y2K – Yes to Knowledge” in Moose Jaw. Conference was hosted by the Moose Jaw and Potashville teacher-librarians with ATLC and chaired by Stephanie Olson. |
1999 |
--Planned promotions of the new distance-education teacher-librarianship courses at the University of Alberta, which are now available under the Western Deans’ Agreement at both Saskatchewan universities.
--Sponsored a Saturday workshop in September entitled “Help! How Do I Get Started” facilitated by Bev Pacholik and Janet Merkosky. --A brief to the Minister of Education was written about the state of resource-based learning in the province and the role of teacher-librarians in its actualization --Annual conference titled “Bridges 99: Crossing to the 21st Century,” was hosted by SSLA, Saskatchewan Teachers of English Language Arts (STELA), Saskatchewan Council of Social Sciences (SCSS) and PLEA, Public Legal Education Association in Saskatoon. Chaired by Janet Merkosky and Jackie Bradley (Saskatchewan Valley School Division) |
1998 |
-- Viktor Fast chaired a committee with Deanna Gruending and Peter Reis to revise the 4th R monograph. The document was edited by by Ione Langlois and Verna Demers and posted to the website.
--Annual conference titled “Links: Past Present Future” was co-hosted by the Regina Catholic teacher-librarians and Saskatchewan Council of Social Sciences and chaired by Ellen Bechard. |
1997 |
--Annual conference titled “Connections ’97: Beyond Gutenberg, Education in the 21st Century,” was hosted by SSLA and the Saskatchewan Council of Social Sciences (SCSS), Saskatchewan Teachers of English Language Arts (STELA), and Media Literacy Saskatchewan (MLS) in Saskatoon.
1996 |
--Annual conference titled “Challenge: Daring to Dream” was hosted by SSLA, Saskatchewan Council of Social Sciences (SCSS), and Saskatchewan Teachers of English Language Arts (STELA) in Regina chaired by Ellen Bechard and Naomi Kral.
1995 |
-- Technology in the School Library (1994) published by SSLA was awarded the CANESBSCO School Library Media Periodical Award.
-- Annual conference titled “Connections: The Saskatchewan Soul” |
1993 |
1992 |
--Where Did You Find That?: Resource-Based Learning (1992) was published as the eighth document in the Instructional Strategies Series produced by The Saskatchewan Instructional Development and Research Unit (SIDRU) and The Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit (SPDU). The document was written by Alixe Hambleton, Pat Meadley, and Elizabeth Roberts for SSLA.
1991 |
--Resource-based Learning group received the Saskatchewan Library Association’s Frances Morrison Award.
-- Organizing for Resource-based Learning (1991) was published. The document was prepared by the School Libraries Branch of Saskatchewan Education in co-operation with SSLA. --Annual conference titled “Developing Minds” was hosted by Saskatchewan Library Association and SSLA teacher-librarians in Saskatoon chaired by Verna Demers and Ione Langlois. |
1990 |
-- Resource-based Learning and the Classroom Teacher: a training program (1990) was published. The document written by SSLA and edited by Brian Laing was published by the Research Centre of the Saskatchewan School Trustees Association.
-- Annual conference titled “The Challenge of Change” was hosted by Saskatchewan Library Association and SSLA teacher-librarians in Regina chaired by Naomi Kral and Margaret Steger. |
1989 |
--In response to two newly developed Saskatchewan Education documents, Resource-Based Learning: policy, guidelines and responsibilities for Saskatchewan learning resource centres (1987) and Learning Resource Centres in Saskatchewan: a guide for development (1988), affectionately dubbed “The Red Bible”, SSLA co-operated with Saskatchewan Education to develop a training package to train teacher/teacher-librarian teams in the techniques of resource-based learning. These teams travelled across the province to deliver resource-based learning in-services to school staffs.
--A new logo was developed for the association -- SSLA published two documents: Monograph #1 “The School Library: Collection Development (1989) and Monograph #2 The School Library and Co-operative Planning. --Annual conference titled “CELing the School Library Program”, was hosted by SK Valley School Division teacher-librarians in Saskatoon, chaired by Grace Munro and Dalelene Yelland. |
1988 |
--The Medium won the CANEBSCO School Library Media Periodical award
--Completed partial survey of school divisions with regard to staffing and budget cuts --Made presentations to the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina regarding training teachers in resource-based learning. --Developed and presented a workshop on Media Literacy. --Annual conference titled “Libraries Across the Curriculum,” was hosted by teacher-librarians of the Saskatoon West School Division in Saskatoon, chaired by Judy Davies and Barbara Kraley |
1987 |
- The SAEMS association name change to SSLA was officially approved by the membership at the AGM at the annual conference
--the 4th R: Resource Based Learning in the Curriculum was distributed to the directors of every school division. -- A new format was developed for the association’s journal The Medium |
1967 |
--SASL Interim Standards for School Library Service in Saskatchewan