Go Formative is a web-based tool used to assess and monitor student learning. It is free for teachers and students. Go Formative runs on any Internet connected device and is optimized for any 1:1, BYOD, flipped or blended classroom.
To begin, users must register as either a teacher or a student. Users create an assignment in their teacher account. Users can add multiple choice, show your work, short answer, and true/false questions by choosing the options and inputting the content. Content can include text, images, and multimedia. Formative also provides pre-made questions sets. Once users have added all the questions and content into the assignment, they assign to students. Users share it with students by giving them the “Class Code” combination, which is a mixture of letters and numbers. Student users will then need to create a profile, sign in, and the input the class code to access the assignment. Students can respond using a typed response, show their work with drawings, or submit images. Users are able to track student progress by clicking the “Live Results” option for the assignment and monitoring students, either by one question at a time or by the whole assessment. Users can also click the “Export” button to download the assessment data as an Excel spreadsheet. This allows the user to receives real-time feedback to know exactly what each student needs during the learning process and facilitates immediate actions. |
Educational uses:
Getting Started
- Navigate to Go Formative and sign up for a free teacher account.
- Create an assignment. Try adding different types of content and questions.
- Assign to your students or colleagues.
- View the live results.