Flipgrid is a free website that allows users to create “grids” of short discussion-style questions that students respond to through recorded videos. Each grid is a message board where teachers can pose a question and their students can post 90-second video responses that appear in a tiled “grid” display. Grids can be classes, sections, groups of students, or any collection of users interested in a common strand of questions. Each grid can hold an unlimited number of questions, and each question can hold an unlimited number of responses. Questions are short, text-based prompts that can include basic formatting (such as bold, italic) and links to websites or documents.
Once logged in, users create a new grid, name it, then choose whether it will be password protected or not. Then users can begin adding questions to the grid one by one; each question can be 240 characters or less. After the list of questions is complete, users can activate them, then click the Share button to send the link to the intended audience. The audience will follow instructions to record and upload their 90-second answers. Users have the ability to be notified by Flipgrid when responses are entered. There are extensive teacher tools available, from instructional videos to full walk-throughs for how to use the tool in a variety of subject areas. Use Flipgrid to further classroom conversations by assigning questions as homework assignments and then continue the conversation in class the next day. Ask students to weigh in on a critical current event for a social studies or civics class; use it in a math class to ask students to describe the process they used to solve a complex problem. You might also use Flipgrid as an opportunity for students to post mini-reviews of books, movies, or television shows. Consider using a “grid” as a way to collect a range of students’ responses on a single topic: Perhaps ask students at the end of a unit or the end of a year to reflect on what they’ve learned and what they’d recommend to other students. |
Getting Started
- Open Flipgrid.
- View Flipgrid’s teacher tools and videos to discover ways to use it with your students.
- Create a “New Grid”.
- Once a grid has been created, post a new topic.
- Invite students to join the grid. The grid can be shared by:
- Link
- QR Code
- Embedded
- Google Classsroom